Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Woohoo New Car! June 24,2013

hello everyone!
we've been doing pretty good lately. yesterday we got to watch the missionary broadcast! and my mission was included during the part where Neil L Anderson spoke. It was super cool seeing missionaries that i knew in the video. When he was here, he told us this was his favorite mission because its where he met his wife or something, and where some of his family is. legit. But the broadcast was awesome and hope all of you get the chance to watch it! 
we also had a specialized training that was good. it is the last time we would see our mission president, because we're getting a new mission president this next transfer. and this next transfer will only be 4 weeks long.. its going to we interesting. during the training president S said a lot of stuff, but one thing really stuck out to me and w as a direct answer to my prayers. i wrote it down and everything, but someone threw my notes away during the lunch break :( i was kinda upset about it. 
Church was good too! we had PAC for the first time this transfer, and the transfer is almost over... it went pretty well. We told them that we are planning on having an activity every day of the week so we can have a little more unity in the branch and offer something for investigators. Monday basketball, Tuesday soccer/volley, Wednesday English class, Thursday bible study, Friday movie, and Saturday is empty... our ward mission leader basically said it was a dumb idea. He also left church on fathers day because he says its a pagan holiday. and he teaches false doctrine during class to investigators. about kolob and stuff... ughh. good thing he is getting released next week. but anyways, church was still good. 
We also finally got a CAR!!! wohoo. no more being on foot. I've been on foot for about 6 weeks now. and with the car, we drove to a bike shop and got it fixed. 2 weeks ago a bought a lovely red bike from Wal-Mart. ended up riding it once, because i decided i was going to take it back.
that's about it though. you guys are awesome, love you all!!

-Elder Jacob James

 Check her out. its Ariel.

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